Help Save Lives, Keep ShotSpotter in Chicago!!!

First Responders rely on 9-1-1 calls if gunshots are fired, but in neighborhoods plagued by gun violence, only about 20% of incidents are ever reported. 

For shooting victims, every minute matters – it is estimated that in as little as 3-5 minutes after a gunshot wound, the survival rate for the victim can drop dramatically without assistance.

The ShotSpotter solution has saved over 125 lives. 

"I can tell you unequivocally that the technology and the analysis helps…we caught offenders at the scene several times because of ShotSpotter." Eddie Johnson, Former Superintendent

The lifesaving solution, ShotSpotter, is already included in the approved budget but other groups want the funding to go to various undefined projects. Please sign and share the petition to keep ShotSpotter in Chicago.

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