BAN PEPSI (or make coke an option everywhere)

Pepsi is disgusting. We Americans love that crisp fresh taste of coke from the very first sip. Pepsi, however, is just a cheap flat version of our beloved Coca-Cola. It is a disgrace that I have to go to my favorite venues, for example, Panera Bread, Wahoo's Fish Taco, BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse, and even Angel's Stadium and I am not able to quench my thirst with a Coca-Cola. I hate going to a restaurant and when I ask for a coke, I get the response "Is Pepsi okay?" NO IT IS NOT OKAY. IF I WANTED A PEPSI I WOULD HAVE ASKED FOR A PEPSI. I do not think its appropriate to deprive us of what we really want. Which is Coke. If you like Pepsi, you are wrong and should just sign this petition anyway. Thank you for your time, lets ban Pepsi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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