Punish Christopher Dillingham to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Killing His Dog With Explosives

  • av: Virginia Tucker
  • mottagare: Skamania County, Washington, Prosecuting Attorney Adam N. Kick; Skamania county, Washington, undersheriff David Cox; Mayor of Stevenson, Washington, Frank Cox

Animals are precious creatures that deserve justice when treated inhumanely. This brings us to the case of an innocent yellow Labrador retriever who was brutally blew up by his owner, Christopher Wayne Dillingham, on the morning of August 4th, 2013.

That morning, Skamania county deputies, arrived to the home of 45-year-old Christopher Wayne Dillingham, of Stevenson Washington, after 911 calls came in about an explosion in the area. Once arriving on the scene, deputies discovered the lifeless body of a labrador retriever, which appeared to have been blown up on Dillingham's property. He claims that he killed the animal due to the fact that his girlfriend "put the devil in it."

At the present time, prosecutors working on the case state that Dillingham will be charged with malicious mischief II, reckless endangerment, animal cruelty, and possession of explosive devices.

Statistics show that animal abuse is often a precursor to human abuse. With that said, this issue cannot be taken lightly. An example must be made out of Chris Wayne Dillingham. Therefore, he must be charged and convicted of every crime he committed. Send a strong message to animal abusers that this WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!

Sign this petition and honor the memory of Cabela and bring justice to the other animals in our society who may be experiencing abuse and cruelty at the hands of their owners.

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