Demand an end to Icebreaker Tourism now!

  • av: Will Rogers
  • mottagare: The Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. The United Nations. New York.

The Arctic Ice Cap is being systematically degraded by icebreaker tourism. Visiting the North Pole costs around 26,000 USD in a nuclear icebreaker and while not as species diverse as the Brazilian rainforest - the channels created are just as invasive as roads in the Amazon. Let's bring this to the attention of the U.N. We demand an end to Icebreaker tourism now!

The Arctic Ice Cap is being systematically degraded by icebreaker tourism. Visiting the North Pole costs around 26,000 USD in a nuclear icebreaker and while not as species diverse as the Brazilian rainforest - the channels created are as invasive as roads in the Amazon. Let's bring this to the attention of the U.N. We demand an end to Icebreaker tourism now!

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