Stop Ministry of Natural Resources Ontario From Allowing Killing of Endangered Species!

  • av: Storm Morgan
  • mottagare: Michael John Gravelle, Minister of Natural Resources, Molinaro Group, Hamilton, ON, Mayor Douglas Martin of Ft Erie, ON

Unbelievably, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (phone: 905-562-4147) has recently approved permits to destroy habitat and kill Fowler's Toads, listed as an endangered species in Ontario.

 They have completely disregarded the comments of experts and failed to change even a single line of the permitting requirements. 

 Developers have been given free reign to "damage and destroy" the toad's habitat and to "harm, harass, kill, and collect the toads". Let's fight this! Canada, the province of Ontario and the Town of Ft Erie should not be driving one of their last Fowler's Toad populations to extinction so that people can live in holiday homes next to the water.

Here is a link to the actual document, look at the wording of Item 4, it will make you sick.

More habitat destroyed with no regard for indiginent wildlife. We must stand and let the Ministry, developers and towns and cities know that this is not acceptable!!

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