Stop Puppy Mills in South Carolina!

    Puppy mills are terrifying things that carry dozens of female dogs to be bred countless times. The mother is often killed after no longer able to breed puppies. As they give birth, the puppies are mistreated as the following:
    Insufficient food, water, and veterinary care. Filthy surroundings. wire flooring. Small cages. Never groomed, exercised, or praised for good behavior. No outside interaction or socialization. Wear collars that are so tight they are embedded in their necks.
    Puppies most commonly are diseased, have behavior problems, and are physically or mentally disabled.
    After being trapped in a cage for almost all of their lives, they are sent to a pet store. If not sold there, they will go to a shelter to be decided if they are worthy of living or not.
    Puppy mills make puppies and mothers miserable. They cause problems inside the puppy mill and out. With puppy mills existing, thousands of puppies are dying.
    In South Carolina, there are almost no laws against puppy mills and they are cruel things.
    Help South Carolina make these laws against puppy mills. Thank you.
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