Untrained and Hysterical Vigilantes Are Going to the U.S. Border!

  • av: Llowell W
  • mottagare: Governors of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas

Thanks to President Trump's hysteria-inducing stream of lies about a so-called "migrant caravan" headed to the U.S. - Mexico border, a number of militias and armed vigilantes are amassing in border communities.

Many of these people say they're there to help protect the border, even though there are already thousands of troops from the U.S. Army, National Guard and Border Patrol there.

A large number of these vigilantes are carrying assault-style rifles and military-style equipment like bulletproof vests. More importantly, they are, ironically, breaking the law and putting American citizens in these communities at risk. Even the U.S. Army has issued warnings to the National Guard about these people who they believe may try to steal their equipment.

The states involved – Arizona, New Mexico and Texas – have the legal authority to arrest these dangerous people.

Call on authorities in these states to take these steps to uphold law and order in these states and prevent needless violence!

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