Serenity Horse Rescue Duped Me Face Book Page

This facebook page set out in Nov 2011 to inform the public of the experiences and complaints from those who volunteered, adopted, or otherwise associated with this rescue.The description of our page reads this :

Previously located a 5224 dearth rd springboro ohio,a horse was surrendered to this rescue and was found deteriating 6months later. An attempt was made to get the horse back with no avail. The horse is now gone.

We are deeply concerned for the well being of the horses in this rescues care. This rescue appears to be struggling to adopt any animals out and providing basic veterinary care for its animals.
We are concerned it has taken in more than it can handle, yet continues to accept surrenders.This is not fair to the animals.

We want you to understand what we have experienced with this rescue in an attempt to allow you to make an informed decision before getting involved, whether it be volunteering, financially supporting , or surrendering your beloved pet.

We have not violated Facebook Terms of Use. We feel  our page is serving its intended purpose and are within our legal right to have this page.
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