STOP DOG MEAT TRADE!! Demand China Creates Animal Cruelty Laws

I will spare you the graphic pictures/content. Those who are interested and want to learn or see with their own eyes can find plenty of evidence by doing even the most cursory internet search.

The world has seen countless pictures and videos in shock and horror, that in this day and age people could be so fiendish and barbaric in their treatment of pets, or actually any living creature for that matter. Everyday dogs and cats are dying in the smashed cages on transport trucks, denied food and water for days. Workers throw the cages to the ground when unloading the trucks, causing all sorts of suffering.

This business is rife with corruption, and police are paid to look the other way, even though quite obviously the cages hold stolen family pets.

The fact that China has absolutely NO LAWS in place for the care and treatment of animals is outrageous. We implore President Xi Jinping, to put animal cruelty laws in place now and to ban all aspects of the dog meat and dog and cat fur trades.

If you find this unnaceptable, please sign and share this petition with your friends. I will see to it that all signatures are delivered to the Chinese Government.

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