Demand to End Commercial Whaling

We are writing to tell you that we want to make a stand against the practice of commercial whaling in Norway and Japan. The slaughtering of these whales in inhumane and are driving these creatures to extinction. Without whales, our oceans would suffer. Animals will decline in population and more carbon dioxide will be produced than needed. There is absolutely no economical or cultural use of whale meat in the markets of Norway and Japan. Humans do not need whale meat to survive and the killing of whales under "scientific research" is exploiting a loophole in a ban that has been around for decades. We want to support your cause in stopping the hunting and manufactoring of these creatures. By signing this petition, we, the students at Truman State University in Kirksville, MO, USA, state that we want to see action taken for this cause and we want to see change happen in the form of a greater ban that eleiminates all whaling once and for all. We do not want to see whales become extinct within the next couple decades. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and taking our opinions into account. Keep fighting the save the whales and other creatures that are being taken advantage of.

Thank you,

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