Urge Johnson & Johnson To Go Completely Cruelty Free!

Johnson & Johnson is a renowned company that has provided a number of pharmaceuticals, medical, and consumer products. Based on the principles Johnson & Johnson promote, the consumer would believe this company to have moral standards.

We trusted Johnson & Johnson to be an ethically sourced company, but have discovered a different truth. Johnson & Johnson may claim to be a "cruelty-free" company; however, this is a blatant lie.

Johnson & Johnson supply to those that require animal testing on products by law. We should not trust a company that so easily disregards the life of an animal.

Johnson & Johnson is a large corporation that stands as the parent company to smaller branches. The smaller branches of Johnson &  Johnson include Aveeno skincare, Carefree feminine hygiene products, Listerine oral care, Lubriderm skin and body care, Neutrogena's makeup, skin, and body care, Rembrandt's oral care, RoC's skincare, and Stayfree's feminine hygiene products.

The amount of animal testing for the Johnson & Johnson company and sub-companies is colossal. How many innocent lives of animals have been taken, poisoned, and tortured? It shouldn't have to be this way.

I call on the CEO of Johnson & Johnson, Alex Gorsky, and the Board of Johnson & Johnson, to immediately stop testing on animals.

If Johnson & Johnson value the opinion of their consumers and the lives of countless animals, Johnson and Johnson should completely stop conducting experiments on animals.

An infamous product of Johnson & Johnson is the Splenda Sweetener. According to the McNeil Laboratories, a healthcare company of Johnson and Johnson established in 1879, experimented on dogs, monkeys, rabbits, rats, and mice to ensure the safety of the product. A total of 12,800 animals died due to Splenda experimentation. Scientists wanted to observe the effects of Splenda on the nervous system. 12,800 animals died simply because we wanted an alternative to sugar.

Who's to say how many more animals are mistreated or dead because of animal testing from Johnson & Johnson and it's sub-companies?

Companies experiment on animals to test the safety of their product. The biology and chemistry between animals and humans are completely different. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, "92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans". The effect may be undetectable in an animal's system but could be fatal to a human. More than 100 million animals die from animal testing every year. There is no reason as to why companies still utilize this outdated method.

There are new alternatives to testing products for consumers. Engineers have generated artificial skin which resembles human skin. The National Institute of Health (NIH), a medical research center, allows the public to volunteer to be tested on with it's Clinical Research Volunteer Program. When a person participates in an experiment, small doses of the product are given to ensure their safety. Working with actual humans or artificial skin allows for a lesser dose of the product, a smaller waiting period, and no expenses or deaths of animals.

Johnson & Johnson is a multi-billion dollar company. This company will survive if it chooses to transition to an actual "cruelty-free" state. If Johnson & Johnson transitioned to an all "cruelty-free" stance, there is no doubt Johnson & Johnson will gain supporters from animal activists and others alike.

Support us in changing the ways of Johnson and Johnson to save the lives of millions of animals.

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