Stop shooting our family pets!

  • av: Jennifer Buyssens
  • mottagare: St. Louis, Michigan police department/City of St. Louis, Michigan/City Manager/City Council

Many senseless family pet deaths have occured at the hands of law enforcement. Our four-legged family members have no voice of their own, therefore it is our responsibility to defend them. Please take a moment to sign our petition in memory of 'Scout', our 8-year old Golden Retreiver who was shot 4 times by a St. Louis, Michigan police officer in our own yard on September 9, 2012. We hope to prevent such tragedies from happening to other family pets and their owners!!

  • We are asking for the dismissal of the officer involved in Scout's shooting--Officer Matt Vanhall 
  • We are asking for the dismissal/removal of the Chief of Police in St. Louis, Michigan--Patrick Herblet
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