Mandatory Spay/Neuter in Pinellas County & State of Florida

  • av: DamirSanja Smajlovic
  • mottagare: Pinellas County Commissioners, Governor Rick Scott, Senator Bill Nelson

The number of dogs and cats in our local shelters is overwhelming, reaching 30,000 each year for the Humane Society of Pinellas, SPCA of Tampa Bay and Pinellas County Animal Services. For a community our size, this is deplorable. An intake of more than 23,000 animals at our local HS of Pinellas, Pet Pal Animal Shelter, PCAS, SPCA Tampa Bay during January - October 2012. This is just in one county in the state of Florida.  Number of animals that had to be euthanized is unacceptable.  The Humane Society has provided low cost and free spay/neuter programs for years, but existing programs are not working fast enough. The only way to reduce pet overpopulation is SPAY AND NEUTER. We want a mandatory spay/neuter law in our state to reduce pet overpopulation and reduce the killing of many wonderful animnals.  If we make this mandatory it will reduce the number of pets going homeless, wandering the streets, cost of upkeep at animal shelters and finally euthanasia.  There is no reason to continue the same trend that has been going on for over 50+ years.  Animals are dying by the hands of humans every day; they are dying because humans allow dogs and cats to breed when it is not necessary. Why spend our tax dollars to round up strays, feed and house abandoned dogs and cats.  A one-time cost to spay or neuter will be far less. This petition proposes that our tax dollars be spent to sterilize all animals at free or low-cost clinics and require those who do not to secure a breeder’s license to pay a hefty fee. The most vital step that a person can take to prevent the needless slaughtering of animals is to have their pets spayed or neutered, by law.  Why not solve this now and forever?  Thank you.

Dear Pinellas County Commissioners, Governor and Senator of State of Florida;  The number of dogs and cats in our local shelters is overwhelming, reaching 30,000 each year for the Humane Society of Pinellas, SPCA of Tampa Bay and Pinellas County Animal Services. For a community our size, this is deplorable. An intake of more than 23,000 animals at our local HS of Pinellas, Pet Pal Animal Shelter, PCAS, SPCA Tampa Bay during January - October 2012. This is just in one county in the state of Florida.  Number of animals that had to be euthanized is unacceptable.  The Humane Society has provided low cost and free spay/neuter programs for years, but existing programs are not working fast enough. The only way to reduce pet overpopulation is SPAY AND NEUTER. We want a mandatory spay/neuter law in our state to reduce pet overpopulation and reduce the killing of many wonderful animnals.  If we make this mandatory it will reduce the number of pets going homeless, wandering the streets, cost of upkeep at animal shelters and finally euthanasia.  There is no reason to continue the same trend that has been going on for over 50+ years.  Animals are dying by the hands of humans every day; they are dying because humans allow dogs and cats to breed when it is not necessary. Why spend our tax dollars to round up strays, feed and house abandoned dogs and cats.  A one-time cost to spay or neuter will be far less. This petition proposes that our tax dollars be spent to sterilize all animals at free or low-cost clinics and require those who do not to secure a breeder’s license to pay a hefty fee. The most vital step that a person can take to prevent the needless slaughtering of animals is to have their pets spayed or neutered, by law.  Why not solve this now and forever?  Thank you.

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