Deforestation in Brazil

 Our world problem is about the Deforestation in Brazil. The causes of the actions being made in South America are affecting the people that live in the area. Peoples%u2019 homes, businesses and farms are being destroyed. Diseases, infections and sicknesses are being spread through the workers and the people who lived there. One of the causes that are making the people sick are from the fish they eat which is a main source of their food (protein). This word problem is also causing global warming. That is an affect that not a lot of people think about and don%u2019t take into consideration the seriousness of this problem. The ecosystem is a vital part of our planet that is being destroyed by Deforestation in Brazil. This is happening by the invaders who are tearing down the nature of the forest and demolishing plants and animals that may be endangered and possibly extinct in the future. We must try to put an end to this worldwide economical problem. Now we are trying to raise awareness about deforestation in  Brazil. If you are a person who wants to help raise awareness of Deforestation in Brazil, put your name on our petition.
Please help us reach our goal in spreading awareness of deforestation in brazil. Deforestation in Brazil is a big problem in Brazil. One example of deforestation in Brazil is the harming non-wealthy farmers, and because of  low tax rate level becoming capitalized into the price of land, also land prices are very high, which makes it hard for the poor farmers of Brazil. This ends up making them have to move further into the Amazon in look for cheap, or unclaimed land. Then all of this leads to the rules of land allocation that really makes deforestation mandatory for needs of these farmers. This is only one of the problems of deforestation, there are many more and with your help this problem can be fixed!
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