Sign to Support Renewal of SAFAPR Sanctuary Contract

  • av:
  • mottagare: University of Puerto Rico (RUM); Mayoral Offices of Cabo Rojo/Mayaguez
The lease of Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asis has EXPIRED. This is home to more than 100 dogs and cats, who have no place to go.

This lease MUST be renewed ASAP, to ensure the animals have a safe home. There are NO other shelters in Puerto Rico with the capacity to take on more animals and the ONLY option would be to send them to the streets or have them euthanized.

SAFAPR is a 100% NO-KILL Shelter. Euthanization is NOT an acceptable solution.

SAFAPR has demonstrated success and has helped send almost 30 dogs to adoptive homes in the United States, just in the last few months, in coordination with Defensores de Animales. We are making a difference. We must continue our efforts. Please enable us to do so with your support.

MAJOR ISSUE: The University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (RUM) now owns the land the Sanctuary is located on. However, since 2004 they have yet to fulfill requests for renewal.

This petition has 4 goals:

#1 - Pledge your support and ask for the renewal of the SAFAPR lease to the administration of the University of Puerto Rico (RUM).

#2 - Pledge your support and ask for the support and direct intervention in the negotiations from the Mayor's Office of Cabo Rojo & the Mayor's Office of Mayaguez.

#3 - Pledge your support for Law 154: Welfare and Protection of Animals in Puerto Rico.

#4 - Pledge that you say "No" to the abuse and neglect of animals in Puerto Rico.

SAFAPR is ready to make improvements with the help of time & donations from the volunteer & business communities. But we need to know our animals' home is secure.

Please digitally sign below to indicate your support & help us achieve our goals. But ultimately help to save the animals of Puerto Rico.

Thank-you in advance for your support and caring!

We the undersigned, pledge our support for SAFAPR, the Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asis, and all of the abused & neglected animals of Puerto Rico.

We formally pledge our support & request the following:

The University of Puerto Rico (RUM) shall renew the lease of the Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asis.
  • We say "No" to the abuse and neglect of animals in Puerto Rico.
  • We say "Yes" to enforcement of Law 154 for the Welfare & Protection of Animales in Puerto Rico.
As citizens and voters of Puerto Rico, we strongly request the support of this cause & request direct action be taken by the Mayors of both Cabo Rojo & Mayaguez in support of as representatives to the Santuario de Animales San Francisco de Asis.

Thank-you for receiving our petition. We hope that you take appropriate action.


Concerned citizens of Puerto Rico for the Protection of Animals in Puerto Rico
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