Stop the killing of seals in Canada

  • av: Christa Coffen
  • mottagare: Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada; Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Baby Seals Need Your Help!

Canadian seal killers armed with clubs and rifles will go again to the nursery floes of the harp and hood seal, to massacre them in the largest mass slaughter of marine mammals on this planet! 

In 2003 alone, 350,000 seals where killed in this brutal way and this year and in 2005, each year they will kill 350,000 more to make a total of over a MILLION seals killed within 3 years.

Please sign this petition and send it to everyone who cares for the animals in the world to stop this extremely cruel slaughter of innocent seals in Canada.

for more info please visit the links below xo


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