Tell Verizon That Worker Who Rescued Stranded Cat Is A Hero – Reinstate Him!

  • av: Freya H.
  • mottagare: Hans Vestberg, Verizon CEO

Maurice German, a Verizon employee, was working in Port Richmond when he answered the distressed call of neighbors pleading for help for their cat Princess Momma, who had been stuck on a telephone pole for over 12 hours.

But what turned out as a happy story for Princess Momma the cat, ended with an unfair punushment for the animal hero who went above and beyond to save her. 

It turns out that Verizon does NOT have a soft spot for kitty rescue videos and responded by suspending German for three weeks – without pay. 

Maurice German is an animal hero who saved a beloved family cat! Instead of being suspended, German should be rewarded for his compassion and courage. Tell Verizon to reinstate him NOW!

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