Don't let Republicans push us into war with Iran

With most of the world trying to contain the fighting in the middle east, Congressional Republicans are pouring gasoline on the fire by pushing for America to attack Iran.

Don't let Republicans push us into war with Iran.

Multiple Republican Senators, including Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, and Marsha Blackburn, have demanded the US launch immediate attacks against Iran -- putting us in open war with that nation.

There are plenty of reasons to oppose the theocratic thugs governing Iran, and to take steps to oppose their actions. But the last thing we need is an all-out war, and an attack should be the last resort, not the first.  And when even Tucker Carlson says you're "****ing lunatics" for suggesting it, you know you've really gone too far.  

Add your name now, and voice your opposition to Republicans trying to push us into war with Iran.

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