Do not even consider seismic airgun testing in the Atlantic region.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has 8 applications to consider for seismic airgun testing in the Atlantic region. This must be stopped and the whole idea for this scrapped. Of course with good common sense ( not greed driven ) science applied, it is proven to be completely destructive and highly detrimental to Ocean inhabitants. This plan is going against policies set forth by the Obama administration. The Oceans Sea life would be endangered and there would be catastrophic loss of life. The Oceans of the World are in peril. This must be recognized and they must be protected. Not under any circumstances should this destructive testing be allowed to move forward. The World is watching. Listen to the people who care and know full well what this testing could result in for the future.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has 8 applications to consider for seismic airgun testing in the Atlantic region. This must be stopped and the whole idea for this scrapped. Of course, with good common sense ( not greed driven ) science applied, it is proven to be destructive and highly detrimental to Ocean inhabitants. This plan is going against policies set forth by the Obama administration. The Oceans Sea life would be endangered and there would be a catastrophic loss of life. The Oceans of the World are in peril. This must be recognized and they must be protected. Not under any circumstances should this destructive testing be allowed to move forward. The World is watching. Listen to the people who care about the future. "If the Oceans die, we die" - Paul Watson. We all care about the future of this planet.

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