End Bear Hunting in Great Bear Rainforest

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, Minister of the Environment Terry Lake

British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest is one of the greatest tracts of intact temperate rainforest left on Earth. It is home to thousands of species of plants, birds, and animals including black bears, grizzlies, and Spirit bears.

You might think that here, the bears could live and thrive in peace. But trophy hunters have set their sights on the vulnerable animals, shooting them with rifles and cross bows as they feed near the shoreline and on salmon streams. It is shocking to think that even grizzly bears, the second slowest reproducing land mammal in North America, are routinely killed in the Great Bear Rainforest - even in protected areas.

We oppose this cruel and scientifically indefensible killing and ask you to

end bear hunting in Great Bear Rainforest.


Additional Petition~


BC Premier Gordon Campbell

Email: premier@gov.bc.ca
Phone: 250-387-1715

Honourable Terry Lake

Telephone: 250 387-1187
Fax: 250 387-1356
E-mail: env.minister@gov.bc.c

British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest is one of the greatest tracts of intact temperate rainforest left on Earth. It is home to thousands of species of plants, birds, and animals including black bears, grizzlies, and Spirit bears.

You might think that here, the bears could live and thrive in peace. But trophy hunters have set their sights on the vulnerable animals, shooting them with rifles and cross bows as they feed near the shoreline and on salmon streams. It is shocking to think that even grizzly bears, the second slowest reproducing land mammal in North America, are routinely killed in the Great Bear Rainforest - even in protected areas.

We oppose this cruel and scientifically indefensible killing and ask you to

end bear hunting in Great Bear Rainforest.

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