Stop New AZ Bill That Threatens Cows, Pigs and Chickens

A new bill, HB 2150, backed by Republican State Senator Steve Pierce would deny farm animals protection under animal cruelty laws by labeling them "livestock" instead of "animals."

The bill removes farm animals such as cows, pigs and chickens from the classification of "animal," and places them in their own category with weaker protections. It would reduce penalties for cruelty to farm animals, and ends the current felony status of abandoning or medically neglecting farm animals.

Farm animals may be used for meat, but they feel the same physical and emotional pain as dogs, cats and other companion animals. Please sign the petition to urge Arizona State Senators to reject HB 2150!

As you know, a new bill, HB 2150, backed by State Senator Steve Pierce would deny farm animals protection under animal cruelty laws by labeling them "livestock" instead of "animals."

We understand that the bill removes farm animals such as cows, pigs and chickens from the classification of "animal," and places them in their own category with weaker protections. It would reduce penalties for cruelty to farm animals, and ends the current felony status of abandoning or medically neglecting farm animals.

Farm animals may be used for meat, but they feel the same physical and emotional pain as dogs, cats and other companion animals. We respectfully urge you to reject HB 2150! Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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