Stop the Alcohol Harassment to carp in Tonami city, Toyama pref.!!

  • av: Carp Tonami
  • mottagare: Shogawa Gorge Tourist Cooperative Association / The Kanaya Shinmei Shrine / Tonami city

 Have you ever heard "Yakubarai Koino Horyu" new year festival in Tonami city, Toyama prefecture? 

KOI cruelty to be happy??

 Local cult-like men and women dressed up, grabbing innocent carps (Koi, Cyprinus carpio, L) with both hands, sometimes laughing and shoving a bottle of sake into their mouth and pouring it down, so that the sake drips from the gills. The thoughtless hands often slip and the carps are dropped repeatedly onto the cobblestones.  Hence we are strongly opposed to alcohol harassment to them, which are popular as pet animals among carp and Koi lovers. 

*Instagram Injured koi during release in Japan on 7 January 2024 

Risk of KHV* pandemic

 In Toyama Prefecture including Tonami city, it seems to be no announcement at all on whether KHV PCR tests show asymptomatic, negative or positive results.  The only thing what we know, a lot of carps as an invasive alien species keep releasing into Shogawa.

*Press release in UK Outbreaks of Koi herpesvirus (KHV) disease in 2023

Unethical media regarding fish welfare  

 Surprisingly, several media outlets have reported that the barbaric practice of making carp drink sake to prevent misfortune.  Even though this strange episode has been known around for 200 years, it is simply animal cruelty and a primitive attitude for vertebrates nowadays.

Whenever you agree with this petition, please sign it.

Japanese version on Change. org since Dec. 2023

Thank you xx

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