Save posh Nosh's pitch that's been running four years

  • av: Sean Goodwin
  • mottagare: Head of street traders Licencing bolton

So guys I have ran my business for five years and on my current pitch with s burger van for four. The local councillor wanted just a month ago to put a skip with flowers in where I am and no where else and because I was a paid licence and e couldn't he started a vendetta against me. He has assaulted one of my customers who is also a friend and he has rang the council on me whom were satisfied that I was all legit. He follows me around and now this morning I find out I cannot renew my licence for the same pitch after four years due to this councillors complaint. I have built up a business and built up customers and also friends in the area please sign to show that a councillor on a personal vendetta has no support and us as a local business do thanks

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