
I am speaking straight to the people of Virginia. Your Governor is out of control first it was abortion after birth. Now it is the infringement on our Second Amendment. The solution for you is to sign this petition. To tell Virginia you want your county to join West Virginia.          PLEASE share this petition.

Uppdatera #54 år sedan
Let's get this to a thousand. Keep on sharing.
Uppdatera #44 år sedan
I love reading your comments. Let's keep this steam engine rolling. Share this on social media. And with friends and family.
Uppdatera #34 år sedan
Thank you for the 30 signers. Share this petition with your family and friends.
Uppdatera #24 år sedan
Please share this on social media. And with family and friends.
Uppdatera #14 år sedan
Please share this petition. We can not get this done WITHOUT Support.
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