Don't Ship 148 Wild Animals to Cuban Zoo!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Nambian Minister of Environment and Tourism

Starting the week of July 10, 2012, a total of 148 lions, rhinos, cheetah and other wild animals will be captured from Nambia's Waterburg Plateau Park, as part of a plan called "Operation Noah's Ark". By the end of the year, they will be flown to Havana, Cuba to live in the 845 acre National Zoological Park that is already home to 850 animals.

Animal rights activists are concerned that the animals will be stressed out during the long flight, and will be deprived of freedom and independance once they arrive in Havana. The animals will be out of their native land and forced to depend on humans for survival. Please sign the petition to urge the Nambian Minister of Environment and Tourism to reconsider his plans to capture and ship 148 wild animals to Cuba.

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