Save Roscoe!

Roscoe and Onyx are family pitbulls. Roscoe was rescued from the shelter 7 years ago and 2500 miles away. He has 4 little girls in his family who adore him. A few weeks ago Roscoe and Onyx were at a dog park when both dogs slipped through the fence. Roscoe attacked another boxer mix who was off leash outside the fenced dog park. Onyx approached the unleashed dog first and was barking the whole time which riled up Roscoe. The dog did not die from the attack, but suffered injuries requiring veterinary attention. Unfortunately the attacked dog is an older dog and is having issues healing. After appearing in court for the citation Roscoe is in jeopardy of euthanasia in 7 days! Sadly the town is a small nit community where the injured dog and owners are well known and without any type of examination by a professional both dogs were deemed scary and aggressive just because they are pitbulls. Onyx never bit the dog, she stood near and was barking the whole time but she is also at risk of euthanasia at the next court appearance in 1 month. I need help buying Roscoe more time before a death sentence for a first time, minor offense and for Onyx who did not attack the injured dog.

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