#JusticeforRyu Find and Prosecute the Deranged Individual that Committed this Crime

  • av: Roseita Rolon
  • mottagare: Berkeley County Sheriff's Office, Berkeley County Prosecutor
The Teran family of Falling Waters, WV has been through a horrible, traumatic experience. One of their family dogs, Ryu the husky, went missing from an outdoor dog run. 

Ryu was found two days later, dead, mutilated and hanging from the gate in front of the family home.

$12,000 has been raised for a reward - but there has still been no arrests! We need to spread the word, and keep the pressure on to make sure this sick individual is caught and prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law.

Stand with the Teran family in their time of need and demand justice for Ryu. For more information, you can read this news article.
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