13000 Racehorses Face Mass Slaughter as Ontario Racing Goes Bust

It's predicted there may be a mass slaughter of up to 13,000 race horses (thoroughbreds and standardbreds, mostly) if the flailing horse racing industry collapses by next spring.

Read more at : http://www.thestar.com/sports/horseracing/article/1250221--13-000-horses-could-be-destroyed-in-2013-if-ontario-horse-racing-industry-collapses


Dead race horses. Thousands of them. Not good for business if your business is horse racing.

In Ontario, a rising death knell for the financially gutted industry — facing track closures and withering purses in a best-case scenario — also peels for the beautiful four-legged creatures who carry jockeys and pull sulkies around 17 racing ovals.

A government panel assembled in June to study the sport’s dim future has forecast a mass slaughter of up to 13,000 thoroughbreds, standardbreds and quarter horses by early next year should the industry collapse completely. Already, it’s expected two-thirds of Ontario tracks will close, there will be fewer racing days, less money in the prize pot and therefore, less reason for owners and breeders to maintain expensive animals who may not have a place to run.

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