Make it compulsory for All veterinary practices to chip check new pets brought in and log deceased

So many pets are taken into a Veterinary Surgery for a first consultation and they are not chip checked.. For Example recently, in a large Charitable Organisation, a couple went in with a cat they had been feeding and decided they would keep, when the receptionist was asked if they would usually chip check, she replied no. This is imperative that it is followed Lost and Found Group, we advise our members to contact vets, with the belief they would have the decency to respect their pet and their families and want them to be reunited whether in life or death.

Nick Stace,

We wish that it is compulsary for  all Veterinary Surgerys to chip check ALL pets brought into them on a first consulation, along with all Found Pets that are brought in, whether alive or deceased. Too many pets are not reunited with their families due to this not happening. There should also be a linked database that pets can be matched up if brought in as found. Also for all Deceased pets to be chip check and a log kept with description, date, location, age, sex, possible photo to help reunite pets with their owners whether in life or death.

Uppdatera #17 år sedan
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