Governor targets the CCC!

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The California Conservation Corps is a 32 year old environmental restoration and youth development program, which the state is trying to shut down. This is the oldest and largest program of its kind in the country. Created in 1976, it's modeled after the 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps-a federal program created during the Great Depression to provide jobs for the jobless. 

Every year the CCC hires 3,300 corpsmembers, between the ages of 18-25. More than 100,000 young men and women have been part of the CCC since it first started. There are 27 residential and nonresidential centers throughout the state, working in most of California's counties. Crews spend their days working on projects that benefit the community and the environment like park development, trail building, tree planting, energy conservation work, erosion control, fire hazard reduction, fish habitat restoration and so much more.

The CCC is one of California's premier emergency response forces, with more than 9.3 million hours of emergency response since 1976. The CCC has been called out to nearly every major disaster since that time-fires, floods, earthquakes, pest infestations, oil spills. In 2008 alone, corpsmembers provided a half-million hours of fire response to CAL FIRE and the U.S. Forest Service. If replaced by fire personal the cost to the state would have been $20 million. Crews can be dispatched within hours anywhere in the state.

By shutting down the California Conservation Corps, they would be taking away thousands of jobs when we need them the most. The Environment and many endangered species will suffer by the loss of the CCC. We need to speak out now to save the future.
I am writing to you to express appreciation and absolute support for the California Conservation Corps. As my elected official, you have great power to keep this program healthy and operating. The California Conservation Corps has taught are youth important job skills such as leadership, communication, and responsibility. They have also performed critical work for California by constructing and maintaining trails working with more than 250 local, state and federal agencies, eradicated invasive plants preventing local species extinctions, rehabilitate salmon habitats on California's North Coast, and protected millions of people from major disasters.

The California Conservation Corps has provided green jobs to thousands of young men and women from all over the United States since 1976. Not only do they work hard but on their off time they have given more than 23,000 volunteer hours to local communities. They attend school receive their High school diploma or G.E.D's. Many continue their schooling with scholarships they have earned from the state and federal AmeriCorps. They work hard, with low pay, and miserable conditions. That is the California Conservation Corps motto and they take pride in their work. They come from all different backgrounds and all join with one thing in mind, a better future. California needs this valuable program.

Our elected officials can keep this program alive and healthy if they believe in the work California Conservation Corps does. I encourage you visit their web site for further information . Please do not forget us when you are sitting at the table deciding what programs to cut.

The California Conservation Corps has changed my outlook on life and given me hope for the future. Don't let bad government decisions take that away from all of us.
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