Demand Equal Pay For Women Doctors!

  • av: Lynn Hamilton
  • mottagare: Catherine E. Lhamon — Assistant Secretary, US Dept. of Education Civil Rights Division

Young women are told they can be anything they want. Some of them become doctors. But what they weren't told is that they would make $20,000 less a year than their male colleagues--for exactly the same work.

And this problem isn't limited to private practices and hospitals. Even state owned and run university hospitals are routinely paying women substantially less for the same work done by men. A recent study finds that twenty-four such public medical schools are guilty of discriminating against women when it comes to annual salaries. 

Please join me in asking Catherine E. Lhamon, Assistant Secretary, US Dept. of Education Civil Rights Division, to conduct a thorough audit of pay discrepancies at public universities and possible legal action.

Dear Catherine E. Lhamon:

I was outraged to learn that women doctors still make substantially less money than men doctors – for the same work. And a recent study shows that this problem is not confined to the private sector. Public medical schools, which are accountable to the federal government, have also been found guilty. A recent study shows that women with the same years of experience, expertise, and willingness to put in the hours are still earning substantially less than their male colleagues.

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Please conduct a thorough audit of pay discrepancies at public universities and possible legal action.


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