WE WANT JUSTICE - A fictitious sentence for savage animal torture!

  • av: Veselin Varbanov
  • mottagare: Judge of the Bulgarian District Court of Plovdiv

Some months ago I shared a petition about this very sad case of animal torture :


Few days ago The District Court of Asenovgrad found Raicho Ivanov guilty of murder in extremely savage way in front of people and in the light part of the day and give him sentense of 11 months suspended sentence with 3 years probation and 692 U.S Dollars fine .

In 15 days there will probably be an appeal against the sentence in the District Court of Plovdiv.Sign this petition to demand more just sentence , A fictitious judgement which to act as an example for other individuals who might follow in his step and think of torturing and doing such thing to a living beings!!

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