Dolphin hunting season 2013-2014

 Dolphines are part of our Eco-System, They are innoscent,intelligent beings.They do not deserve to be slaughted.      

A monumental thing happened in the Taiji cove yesterday, the first day of the 2013-14 dolphin hunting season. Even though the Taiji fishermen managed to capture... a pod of about 60 bottlenose dolphins (still awaiting their fate), the Taiji cove was overtaken by Japanese protesters - a first in the history of the cove. While there is worldwide protest, many believe that if there is to be a change, it will come from within Japan and the Japanese people. Most make the mistake of blaming all of Japan for this travesty, when in truth, many Japanese people are unaware this is happening and those who do, find it as repulsive as you or I. Seeing this crack in the foundation was a remarkable sight. This gentleman actually went under the water and heard the cries of the captured dolphins and began to weep when he surfaced – it was both touching and surreal.
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