Stop the Loss of Borrowdale Vlei

  • av: Shelley A
  • mottagare: Vice president Joice Mujuru and the Environmental Management Association in Zimbabwe

Plans are underway for construction of a massive shopping centre called the Mall of Zimbabwe on what is left of one of Harare's few remaining wetland areas, the Borrowdale Vlei. These plans are going ahead despite the fact that an independent environmental impact assessment has not been undertaken.

The ecosystem services of flood attenuation and water purification are being over looked and the full environmental ramifications need to be carefully considered. In addition, wetlands play an important role in absorbing water in the wet season and then releasing this water in dry seasons. There are 6.5 million people living within the catchment system linked to the Borrowdale Vlei who are dependent upon the water it stores and then releases. We therefore urge Vice President Mujuru to consider an alternative site for the Mall of Zimbabwe.

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