Let's bring Alaska Vega to justice

  • av: Ricardo Pacheco
  • mottagare: Procuraduría General de Justicia de Queretaro, Mexico

A man, using the name of "Alaska Vega" in his Facebook profile, has posted several videos of himself and his friends mutilating little puppies. He and his friends hold innocent puppies, while chopping their ears with scissors. They seemed to be doing this just for fun and they are heard in the video laughing and braggibng about it. This despicable acts are unnaceptable in Mexico as well as in every other civilized country. We need the Queretaro Police and/or the Procuraduría General de Justicia de Queretaro to charge this preverse human being with a crime of cruelty against animals. The whole world is watching to see how Queretaro handles this situation. 

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