Demand a free Community Center or Water Park for kids

    Why isn't there anything in our city that caters to our children's idle time? Ive watched kids born here grow up to either become uneducated, unwed, and single parents or end up committing crimes that sent them to prison. Both of which put them in pockets in the society of needy or troublesome. Honestly, those kids are a product of the environment we created for them and they became the example we set for them by absolutely not worrying about what they have to do. So now they absolutely don't care about what is acceptable or productive and they obey only the laws that will take them away if they don't. If we don't start showing we care by putting some priority in what our kids have to then as the generation before us did, they won't care about us as elderly and they also will keep the cycle going by not caring about the generation coming up. let give the kids something to do.
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