This Abandoned Pup Could Have Died in the Scorching Iowa Heat

When authorities found Amari, a sweet mixed-breed pup left to fend for herself in Beaver Park, Iowa, she was in brutal shape. Amari was trapped, wrapped tightly in a blanket that she could not escape, even as temperatures reached the upper 80s.

She was also suffering from anemia, severe mange skin disease, and heart failure. If she had gone even a few more hours alone in that brutal heat, she may not have made it.

Sign now to tell Cedar Rapids Authorities to find who did this, require them to attend counseling, and ensure they never own animals again!

If you're thinking to yourself, who could possibly do this? The answer is: someone who should never be allowed anywhere near an animal again.

Authorities are worried that Amari may be just one animal among many that this person is abusing. That is why it's so important that local authorities dedicate resources to finding this abuser immediately.

We must protect other animals from this kind of treatment. A person who is able to intentionally abuse an animal in this way simply should never be allowed to own animals again, and should be required to attend counseling. Sign the petition now if you agree!
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