Punish Cruel Animal Abuser – Make Sure He Can't Live with Pets Again

Dieringer allegedly beat to death his roommate's brown 7-year-old Australian Cattle Dog, named Suka, and also killing & dismembering the younger dog named Hayoka. This news is HORRIFYING, but we can prevent him from every doing anything like this again.

Join me in asking the Colorado state legislature to prioritize a bill that would BAN animal abusers like this from ever living with a pet again.  

If we push Colorado to pass this law, not only will this monster be denied access to torture dogs again, but we can also prevent criminals from having access to more pets in the state.

We want this to go national; Colorado would be a huge first step!  Will you join me to ask the Speaker of the Colorado House to say push through legislation that can save so many animals from torture?

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