Owner drags his pit bull behind moving van for miles,

  • av: terry holt
  • mottagare: Petitioning: The Honorable Judge at the Lowell District Court

A Lowell man is accused of severely injuring his pit bull by dragging it from the side of the van he was driving.

Police say Timothy Nicholas, 60, dragged his 2-year-old pit bull on Hildreth Street Sunday afternoon. Multiple people called police to report the incident.

Nicholas told responding officers he had tied up the dog and forgot outside the van when he drove away.

A friend who was with Nicholas tells necn it was a mistake, and that they had forgotten about the dog.
That friend, who does not want to be identified, says the two men pulled over into Hovey Park in Lowell Sunday afternoon so that Buddy could go to the bathroom.
They tied him up to the van, then left a few minutes later, forgetting about the dog.
"He didn't mean to do anything wrong," said the friend.
They were flagged down by witnesses who alerted them about the dog.
"What were they thinking," said witness Linda Lutkus. "They weren't. You can't do that."
The 2-year-old dog sustained major injuries to his paws, legs and belly, but he is expected to survive.
He's already undergone a two-and-a-half-hour surgery.
"It's a pretty nasty incident," said Lowell Police Capt. Timothy Crowley.
Buddy remains at an animal hospital in Dracut.

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