Save Innocent Lives! Stop Euthanasia of pets!

  • av: Shirley Watters
  • mottagare: Anyone Who Has A Heart For Beloved Pets! To increase the mandate on licensed breeders in the state of Ohio and to make it illegal to breed and sell animals unless you are a licensed breeder!

Thousands of shelter animals die every year to to shelters being at maximum capacity. I have started this petition to control the pet population and prevent millions of shelter pet euthanasias that happen each year due to irresponsible pet owners over breeding. The shelters have done an excellent job at reducing the adoption fees. Still people are buying animals from irresponsible so called breeders instead of adopting pets from the shelters. Our unwanted pet population is out of control! Our shelters are at maximum capacity and are having no other choice but to decrease the amount of animals in the shelter! If the tax is made higher for licensed breeders and breeding unless you are licensed is made illegal out shelters will be able to continue operating with less cases of euthanasia.

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