He Stomped This Puppy to Death. Demand Justice and Full Psychological Counseling Now.

A local business owner in Oklahoma walked outside her establishment one day to find a horrific sight: a dead puppy was lying outside by the road, apparently beaten and abandoned.

Sign the petition to demand justice!

After she called local authorities, they discovered security video footage showing exactly what had happened. A man dragged the small dog by its back legs up the street, scraping the poor thing's nose along the pavement.

After he dropped the animal on the curb, that's when the beating started. The man repeatedly punched, kicked, and stomped on the puppy. Finally, he picked the limp animal up and threw it on the ground, before walking away.

After so much violence and trauma, the puppy passed away from its injuries.

The man's ex-girlfriend ultimately identified him from the footage and turned him into the police, sharing that he had been abusive to her and her own puppy. This demonstrates the clear link between cruelty to animals and domestic violence.

Authorities have since arrested the man, but it's clear he needs intensive psychological counseling to address his rage and violence. Sign the petition to demand authorities ban him from ever owning or living with animals again, and also mandate therapy sessions!
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