Urge Congress To Stop Wasteful and Cruel Animal Testing!

  • av: Jared Milrad
  • mottagare: Sen. Lamar Alexander [R-TN] and Sen. Patty Murray [D-WA]

Currently, household, personal care, and cosmetics companies are not required to test their products and/or their ingredients on animals in order to obtain government approval. Thanks to the millions of compassionate consumers and some international laws, many companies now avoid animal testing altogether to reduce costly, cruel, and unnecessary experiments on animals.

But a bill pending in the U.S. Senate - the Personal Care Products Safety Act - would overturn the current system.

The Personal Care Products Safety Act (S. 1014) would require the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to review extensive safety test data of at least five ingredients used in personal care products every year to determine whether they are harmful. The bill allows animal testing to be used, and in fact, could even lead to an increase in needless animal experiments. Sadly, S. 1014 has no requirement or incentive to use non-animal alternatives.

Urge Senators Alexander and Murray – who chair the committee considering S. 1014 – to oppose this harmful and unnecessary legislation.

Sens. Alexander and Murray: 

To save taxpayer dollars, protect consumers, and reduce needless animal suffering, we urge you to oppose S. 1014.

- Petitioners

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