Eataly Stop Selling Live Lobster

Eataly, follow Whole Foods and end the sale of live lobster. In June 2016, After evaluating the entire supply chain process, Whole Foods Market stopped selling live lobsters. Margaret Wittenberg, vice president of quality standards for Whole Foods Market stated "Although we discovered significant improvements are possible from capture up to in-store tank conditions, we are not yet sufficiently satisfied that the process of selling live lobsters is in line with our commitment to humane treatment and quality of life for animals. At this time, we believe it is too difficult to maintain consistent conditions throughout the entire supply chain to ensure the health and wellbeing of lobsters outside their natural environment for such a long period of time. Many lobsters are held in storage facilities for several months." Whole Foods Market will sell select raw and cooked frozen lobster products solely from companies that meet the strict handling and processing standards developed during the company's evaluation period, which includes measuring to ensure the quality and health of the animal. Currently only Clearwater Seafoods meets the criteria. Eataly please do the right thing and end this torturitious practice.

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