Please STOP O D-ing with Script Pain Meds

  • av: Larry Jones
  • mottagare: President Trump, People in Pain
15,000 people per year have O-D on Opioids, 
I want President Trump to use His Influence to Require the Doctor's 'n Pharmacists to Advise Patients that Opioids are Strong Meds, AND, that while making them, they Mix in "Time Release Formula"

15,000 people per year have O-D on Opioids, That many Horrible, Deaths from Potent Pain relievers is WAY Too Many. I hope I can help people understand. 

I want President Trump to use His Influence to Require the Doctor's 'n Pharmacists to Advise Patients that Opioids are Strong Meds, AND, that while making them, they Mix in "Time Release Formula",

 If they know they aren't telling us, I've never seen anyone that has experience with Opioids advise of the effects.

That's why I'm doing this Petition to try to help people understand.

I've had Car, Motorcycle, Truck, Football Injuries which are very hard to contain as you get older. In Dec, 2000, I was involved in Another Auto Acc. My Doc checked me out, Put me on Hydrocodone. 
I complained these would Choke a Horse, I used to break them up to take 'em. Then my Doc told me, there's a new Med out, Oxycontin40MG, He said they work well 'n they are smaller, easier to Swallow, So we tried them. 
I started taking Script Pain Meds in Dec 2000 for 15yrs.

I want to help keep people from OD. I want President Trump to use His Influence to ask the Doctor's 'n Pharmacists to Advise Patents that Opioids are Strong Meds, AND, they Mix in "Time Release Formula", Which could take from 20Mins, 45, 60, as long as 90Mins to Start Working. I Wish they would NOT Include Time Release, It has the Opposite Effect/Affect.

People think it will slowly seep into your system, but NO, You have to wait for it to start working, (20- 90Min's) It Doesn't matter if you take One Pill or Five, because of "TIME RELEASE" they won't Start working any Sooner, AND if you take more than ONE, they ARE so Potent, THAT will KILL You. 

I see that 15,000 people per year have O-D on Opioids, That many Horrible, Deaths from Potent Pain relievers is WAY Too Many.

 It seems when the Op's don't start relieving pain for awhile, People think, it may be a dud, they are so small they appear harmless, So I'll try Another, Maybe three or more, When they do start working, with the time release formula, they don't just ease into your system, they will start working NOW, You'll get Sleepy, take a nap, You WON'T Wake up. If you take them, even if you have a lot of Pain, DON'T get Impatient, I break one in half, 30Mins Later take the other half, Please be Patient, They Always Start Working.
About Ten- Fifteen yrs ago, While watching a News Coverage about Oxy, this Male Mixed it in Water, Heated it, 'n Took a Syringe 'n Squeezed it into his arm vein, He said he Didn't want to wait for the Hit, Shooting was Faster. And this? is a helpful Expose'????? I've seen many Med Documentaries, they describe people who need to ease their pain, a few others enjoy it, but TOO MANY O-D. 

I have accidentally taken too much, I got chest pains, then I took an Aspirin, or a Rolaids Tab, that will ease up 'n smooth out the chest pains, (Antacids, Aspirin) IS A GOOD WAY TO EASE OUT, 'n still have effective relief. 
Last Spring, our Local TV Station again did a story about Oxy, how People are Dying From Overdosing. I tried to get in to see the Reporter, hoping I could Explain What I've Discovered, Maybe we could tell People What is a good thing, how to take them with a little understanding to be safer. 
ehhhh, No Dice. The TV Station didn't want to be Bothered. I've also seen National Shows on Pain Meds, I thought, Nice, I can tell the Whole USA. I e-mailed the Networks, I called to explain, ehhhhh, No Dice.

So I'm hoping this Petition will reach more people.

Also, after taking them for awhile, you'll have Extreme Constipation, your Stools will get hard as Rocks. I've tried everything, but I've found that Milk of Magnesia works the BEST to make things more Smooth 'n Regular. God Bless Ya's 'n Be Careful, Start small, 1/2 pill, Don't Chew up a pill, even that can cause you Major Probs, Start small, 'n keep your antacids 'n aspirin handy.
Plz Stay Safe.

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