Stop Ajax Mine from opening in Kamloops, BC Canada

  • av: Jennifer Anderson
  • mottagare:,,,,,

 Within 1.4 kilometres of the nearest  residences, and 2 kilometres from the nearest elementary school. Within six kilometres, downwind and downslope of the perimeter of the proposed Ajax mine are 8 elementary schools, 4 high schools, 4 senior citizen’s residences, one hospital (Royal Inland), and one university (Thompson Rivers). 

About 90,000 people could be exposed to the toxic dust (containing arsenic, lead, aluminum and much more) which will inevitably blow over the city. 

The use of 15 billion litres of water per year will create haze and fog over the city, and could well increase the water table and land slippage problems at Aberdeen. The devastating impact the mine would have on local ranchers, some of whom have lived here for generations and the probability of long-term pollution of the Thompson River.

We believe that the long-term economic future of Kamloops does not lie in the development of an open pit mine which, in 23 years, provided copper prices remain high, will close, leaving behind a devastated landscape, a negative impact on airshed quality, a badly damaged tourism industry and ruined ranchers.

We do not want this mine opened near our city. It is too close.  

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