Demand stiffer laws for Amish abused animal puppy mills and breeding

The state of Pennsylvania has a huge number of illegal puppy mills, among these are the Dutch ,also known as the Amish. This community as well as others have been running illegal puppy mills for years , and they are only getting bigger. The animals are being literally bred to death. They are forced to live in cages with wire bottoms, dark barns kept in back of the properties with little to no light. They are being "debarked" so no one can here there cry's. This process includes forcing a pipe like object down there throat to slit there vocal cords. There are Puppy Mills around every corner and they are disguised to look like a peaceful place. While in the shadows and darkened barns these animals are living in filth and being beaten and abused on a daily basis. Please join the fight against this disgusting and inhuman puppy mills. I am asking you to please sign this petition and let's fight together to get this STOPPED !!! As you go about your daily routine a puppy mill is abusing an animal. I have seen this with my own eyes and can't believe that any human being could be so horrible and heartless. So please help me help them and join in the fight today. PLEASE SHARE THIS PETITION!!! 

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