Tell Kikkoman to Stop Testing on Animals!

Kikkoman tests on animals using their soy sauce and other unnatural chemicals.

- They purposely make rabbits eat a high-cholesterol diet, which makes the rabbits have heart disease, and then kill them.

- Rabbits were force-fed soy sauce, through surgically attached stomach tubes.  Afterwards, they were beheaded and their brains were removed.

- Feeding tubes were forced down rat's throats to make them drink fermented soy milk.

- Mice, which were bred to be obese, were fed citrus extract before being killed, and then had their muscles removed.

Please tell them to quit their actions and find a humane treatment for their testing. Meanwhile, please use San-J for your soy sauce.

Dear Kikkoman USA,

Please stop the use of inhumane treatment and experimentation on animals.  I will stop using your products while you do this.

Thank you.

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