US- Ban Polar Bear Trophy Imports from Canada

While the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species did not ban a unsustainable polar bear hunt product trade from Canada, (where 2/3 of the world's polar bears are), the United States has a responsibility to continue to recognize the the polar bear status as threatened.

While Canada and 41 other countries voted in favor of continued bear hunting, 46 more nations abstained from voting on the proposal altogether. Russia's delegate, Nikita Ovsyanikov, who is a leading polar bear expert, said: "Polar bears are struggling for survival already and exposing them to hunting will drive them to extinction."

We ask the United States to ban all polar bear trophy imports coming from Canada and impose trade sanctions immediately.

While the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species did not ban a unsustainable polar bear hunt product trade from Canada, (where 2/3 of the world's polar bears are), the United States has a responsibility to continue to recognize the the polar bear status as threatened.

While Canada and 41 other countries voted in favor of continued bear hunting, 46 more nations abstained from voting on the proposal altogether. Russia's delegate, Nikita Ovsyanikov, who is a leading polar bear expert, said: "Polar bears are struggling for survival already and exposing them to hunting will drive them to extinction."

We ask the United States to ban all polar bear trophy imports coming from Canada and impose trade sanctions immediately.

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