A $650,000 "charitable contribution" former President Donald Trump's political action committee made to the Smithsonian Institution will help fund portraits of Donald and Melania Trump for the National Portrait Gallery.

"Two artists have been commissioned, one for each portrait. The names will be released closer to the reveal of the paintings,"

There should be NO portrait of Donald Trump. He is under FOUR investigations including a federal investigation for removing top secret documents from the White House.

The National Portrait Gallery and Smithsonian's timing couldn't be WORSE. Their portrait of Donald Trump makes it even more DANGEROUS should the DOJ rightfully indict him. In this case, the Smithsonian is LITERALLY placing Trump on a pedestal. What are they thinking?

PLEASE sign below to add your name of Americans who want the Smithsonian to stop plans IMMEDIATELY.

We need to make our voices heard before it's too late and an artist is announced.

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