Protect Our Community! Request relocation of Richard Morries.

    Richard Morries, a violent sex offender, shot our one year old puppy in the chest from his kitchen window, while she was in her own fenced in backyard. He has made multiple threats towards families and pets within the community, all of which have been reported and documented by authorities. As of Tuesday, August 24, a protective order was put into place and will be reviewed during a court date on September 23, 2021. Because of Richard Morries criminal status and the threat that he has imposed on our family and our community, we respectfully ask that you support our petition asking the Judge to order Richard Morries to relocate to an area that better suits his lifestyle. A residential neighborhood where children ride their bikes, pets play in their yards, and countless people run or drive around in their golf carts, has NO PLACE for a cruel and dangerous criminal like Richard Morries.
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